The heavens declare the

glory of God

and the sky above proclaims

his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

   Service Times:

Sunday Morning

Sunday Services:
9:00AM and 10:45AM SERVICES
Nurseries are available during both services
Fusion Kids available only during 10:45AM service
 Tribes available during both hours!
We have a Tribe for YOU  on Sunday Mornings
 CLICK HERE to see where you can get plugged in!


Family Meals will begin at 5:45PM
Sessions will begin at 6:30PM and will end promptly at 7:30PM
We offer sessions for Men, Women, Nursery (Babies-4yo),
Children (K-5th Grade), & Students (Grades 6th-12th)
Fusion Church of Madison is a body of believers focused on
Reaching the Seekers, Strengthening 
the Servants and Launching the Saints!
We strive to reach people that 
are seeking the truth of God's Word.
After they are reached, the next step is to be strengthened!
As they are being strengthened (discipled),
we begin the launching process.
This can happen through missions, church planting, 
in our church, in other churches and their daily life. 
Our desire is to send out 
fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Check out our Core Values HERE

One of our Core Values at Fusion is Generous Living!

We live our life, ready to make a difference in the
lives of others. We live our lives with open hands and hearts, willing to give generously of our time, talents, and
riches in order to see Christ work in people's lives.
Fusion is a church that understands that we are never
more like Jesus than when we are giving. So, we give of our time by pouring into special needs of our community, state and
world. We give financially to ministries and organizations
that are expanding the Kingdom of God.
We live our life generously by giving our talents to spread and share the love of Christ!

Recent Sermons:

Missed it Live? Watch it here!