Tribes: "A community of  Christ followers who worship and do life together"

Tribes are one of THE BEST ways to get connected here at Fusion!
We have several different Tribes to choose from, each meets at their
own day and time each week, and all are welcome!

Jesus commands His disciples in the Great Commission to “disciple”
the nations. Fusion Church not only emphasizes evangelism in our church but
also proper discipleship, which requires accountability.

You have the opportunity to try out as many Tribes
(that we are offering) that pertain to your season of Life & decide which Tribe
suits you best! If you can't make a decision on what Tribe to join we can help with that too!

Weekend Tribes

(ages 50+)
JIM NIX & Donnie COmpton

This Group meets on Sunday Morning's @ 9:00 AM
at Fusion in Classroom B201
Contact this Tribe!
(AGES 18-30)
For young Married and Young Professionals!
This Tribe meets on Sunday Morning's @ 10:45 AM  at Fusion Church in Room B208.
Contact this Tribe!

mARRIED  (Fusion Kidz/Nurseries Available) 
(Ages 35-45)
Jason & traci Mcbay

This Group meets on Sunday Morning's @ 10:45 AM
at Fusion in Classroom B201
Contact this Tribe!

6th -12th grades (students)
jake mcmillian

This Group meets on Sunday Morning's @ 10:45 AM
at Fusion in Classroom B206
Contact this Tribe!

(AGES 30-45)
This groups meets on Sunday Morning's @10:45AM
AT Fusion in classroom B209

Week day tribes

Empty Nesters
tim + vanessa carter

This Group meets on Tuesday's @ 6:30PM
at Fusion Church, 2011 Athens Hwy Madison, GA 30650 in Room B201
Contact this Tribe!


Contact this Tribe for more Information!
Contact this Tribe!

The logo Explained:

The Design

The design of the FC Tribes logo communicates the function and structure of our Tribes ministry.

tHE fc & tribes

The first thing you’ll notice about this logo is the large, bold script spelling “TRIBES,” accompanied by “FC”. This feature indicates that our small-group tribes reflect our membership in our greater tribes, namely Fusion Church of Madison and the larger body of Christ!

The Teepee

What you will also notice is the teepee standing above the script. Composed of five interconnected, bold lines, this structure symbolizes the five core values of our church: God Dependency, Real Relationships, Family Focus, Generous Living, and Kingdom Expansion. Everything we do as a church family reflects our core values, and Tribes are no exception! 

The Two Triangles

The teepee is composed of two triangles, a large external triangle and a smaller, internal triangle; together, these point upward. This illustrates how tribes work: within the larger scope of the congregation, tribes live missionally and drive the growth of our church upward as we ultimately chase after Jesus Christ and His Great Commission! 


Fusion Church of Madison has the DNA of a church plant; our goal is to never lose the heart of a church plant: always reaching, always strengthening, always multiplying.

Sign up for a tribe

We'd love to get you connected to a tribe!
Fill out the form below to get started.

Tribes help people grow in their faith and build community. Our Tribes take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!